Grand Valley Catholic Outreach is a compassionate center
where people in need can access emergency services.

Grand Valley Catholic Outreach began more than 40 years ago
when two Franciscan sisters offered bag lunches to the homeless and hungry from their back door. Recognizing one’s right to food, clothing, and shelter, the valley’s four Catholic parishes – St. Joseph and Immaculate Heart of Mary (Grand Junction), Sacred Heart (Fruita), and St. Ann (Palisade), – with a view to reduce administrative costs, formally established Grand Valley Catholic Outreach in 1988. Today, with the support from interfaith and civic communities, the organization offers resources along with respect, dignity, and hope to those in distress.

Open Doors
Grand Valley Catholic Outreach provides our facilities and services and invites others to join us in service on a non-discriminatory basis with regard to race, ethnicity, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, age, handicap, religious beliefs, familial status, or national origin.

To proclaim the dignity and worth of each person,
respond to human needs,
and strive to show the compassion of Christ.

Support the homeless in their quest for safe and decent housing by offering services at the Day Center and emergency, transitional and permanent housing.

Provide emergency services to individuals and families in need.
Invite participation from all denominations in this quest to support human life.
Feed those who are hungry in our valley.
Letter From the Director
Whenever people hear the name Grand Valley Catholic Outreach, they immediately think of those who serve or receive services as being Roman Catholics. However, Grand Valley Catholic Outreach is “catholic” in its truest sense. “Catholic” means universal and those who volunteer, those who donate, and those who receive the fruits of gifts from others are from many denominations and walks of life. No one is denied the opportunity to request service or to serve.
Thanks to a very generous community—individuals, churches, organizations, foundations,— Catholic Outreach is able to open its doors each day and respond to the gospel imperative: “The gift you have been given; give then as gift”(Matt 10:8).
Thank you for your interest in Catholic Outreach and for joining us in helping meet so many emergency needs experienced by our brothers and sisters in this valley.
Sr. Karen Bland

Sister Karen is a member of the Benedictine Sisters of Chicago
Our Board
Catholic Outreach is governed by a fifteen-member
board who are elected to serve two 3-year terms.
Paige Storheim- President
Phyllis Norris – Vice President
Lance Stewart – Secretary
Jim Grisier – Treasurer
Sr. Karen Bland, OSB – ex officio
Kathy Chaloupka
Xavier Crockett
Tim Foster
Deacon Luke Konantz
Dr. Carl Malito
Darius Shurden
Carly Strom
Ulises Techera
Candy Ward
Lenna Watson
Fr. Henry Wertin
Honorary Members
Bob Garcia
Fr. James Plough+
Carolyn Prinster